Month: June 2024

Vacation period choices

The first month of summer is coming to an end and the main vacation period begins. Which destinations are considered the most attractive and for what reasons? We studied the ratings of the most trusted sites, coming to the conclusion that European countries are ahead by a large margin in popularity. Surprisingly, Paris is still in first place among all cities. The capital of France currently has many problems, but the romanticized image of the city still attracts the largest number of tourists from all over the world. Resorts like Bora Bora, the Maldives and Bali are still impressively popular. The most amazing breakthrough occurred in the Asian sector. Thanks to its technological advancement and the global rise in popularity of video games, manga and anime, Japan took third place in most rankings. And China surprised everyone the most – for the first time in a very long time, the country made significant concessions in obtaining tourist visas for Europeans and, which came as a surprise, for US citizens. This attracted the largest number of tourists to China ever.